Crime Mapping Application Help

Explore the map

Using the Navigation Control

Navigation Control

The navigation control allows you to interact with the map.

Expanded: Navigation Control Collapsed: Collapsed Navigation Control

Use Scale Bar Arrow to Collapse/Expand the Scale Bar. Use Zoom Bar Arrow to Collapse/Expand the Zoom Bar.

You can also interact with the map using the keyboard. Also see Using the mouse for tips on using the mouse to interact with the map.

Navigation Control Tools

Name Icon Description
Zoom in Zoom in Click the plus button on the zoom level control to zoom in: The map will zoom in one level.
Zoom out Zoom out Click the minus button on the zoom level control to zoom out: The map will zoom out one level
Zoom Levels Zoom in Click and drag the level bar to zoom to specific scale:
Pan (recenter) Pan Click on a letter to pan: Click N to pan North, click S to pan South, click E to pan East, click W to pan West
Full extent Full map extent Full extent: Immediately zooms the map out to the area of all features and layers.
Scale Bar Scale Bar Scale Bar: Graphically represents the scale of the map
Rotate Map Pan Rotate the map: Click the dark green ring between the letters and drag in the desired direction to rotate the map
Reset Map Rotation Full map extent Click to reset map rotation: Resets the map to its original rotation